Archive of Political Commentary Articles

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Mud-Slinging Left Should Take A Look Within

Most of the rhetoric being disseminated from the Democratic camp has become quite tiresome and repetitive. How many times can one political party blame the other without taking part in any type of self-reflection? The left-leaning faithful have simply rehashed old, wearisome ideas which lack substance and credibility, further dampening their agenda and setting them back years at the ballot box. The Democrats, especially as of late, seem to have a deep infatuation with scoring cheap political points at the expense of the citizenry they claim to represent.

Any policy proposal submitted by a Republican seemingly has been demonized outright without any civilized political discourse to be documented. Take, for example, Social Security reform. All the left has been able to “contribute” toward reform is outlandish claims that Republicans are out to steal pension plans. Most Democrats refuse to acknowledge the pending insolvency, the infusion of eligible beneficiaries and changing demographics. They also fail to acknowledge a petition signed by 450 economists in May of 2005 — including Nobel laureates Milton Friedman, Robert Lucas and Robert Mundell — supporting President Bush’s plan for Social Security reform. Any reform proposal which would create personal accounts, real assets and real inheritability is denied. Ownership is essentially frowned upon by the leaders of the Democratic Party. In retrospect, such a stance isn’t too unexpected. Creating a much larger investor class would dramatically decrease the Democrats’ hope for a welfare state utopia.

What about other federal policies, like health care reform? Republicans have introduced tax-deductible Health Savings Accounts. A worker would be able to divert a fixed percentage of their income into these accounts in order to pay for routine health care services. This direct transaction between consumer and physician will help lower administrative costs and cut out the middleman (i.e. the insurance companies), thus lowering overall health care costs. Not surprisingly, this plan has been championed by many physicians nationwide. What is the Democrats’ proposal? Expanding federal government expenditures and creating higher and more complex bureaucracies. The increased administrative costs would surely wreak havoc on health care affordability for all citizens. But results and practicality never seem to matter as long as they “mean well.”

Democrats must realize that their policies of over regulation and hostility toward business at every level costs Americans good paying jobs and higher standards of living. Furthermore, they must also come to grasp with their blind hatred toward investment and savings. Such animus hinders economic growth and vitality and keeps individuals poor and dependent on big government. The government should encourage citizens to be self-sufficient instead of just sufficient on the government.


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