Archive of Political Commentary Articles

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Welcome to my Blog!

Thanks for taking the time to view my blog. My name is Tom Car and I'll be a first year law student at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law. I graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania this previous semester, summa cum laude, with a major in Criminology/Pre-Law and minors in Economics and Political Science.

Being a college student with a a socially conservative mindset and a libertarian economic philosophy can be difficult in the contemporary college setting. Ideas about the merits of free market economics, the importance of the nuclear family, and the championing of federalism as our political structure no longer seem like viable positions to take in higher learning. This blog will be a compliation of my rants both from my undergraduate days as well as contemporary observations from my subsequent enrollment in law school.

First, I will be posting all my editorials that I have written for my undergraduate newspaper, The Penn. For about a year I was the conservative columnist and held a weekly column with the paper. So readers can get an idea of my worldview, I will post all my articles, starting with the earliest, and working my way towards the most recent and last publication.

I hope you enjoy my blog, and I encourage comments and reactions to my observations. I hope that we can spark dialogue and really have a true battle of ideas, instead of suffering the fate that seemingly is engulfing many collegiate campuses -- the infalliability of liberal (contemporarily speaking) social structures and practices.


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    By Blogger The Tycoon, at 7:16 PM  

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