Archive of Political Commentary Articles

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Democrats Play Blame Game Again

The cyclical blame game is manifesting itself once again within Senate chambers as the Democrats try to bring back their revisionist history of the war in Iraq. Either the Democrats have no platform to try and rally consensus around for the upcoming elections, or they believe their unintelligible rhetoric about lies and distortions of intelligence leading up to the invasion of Iraq.

Unfortunately, it seems as though the latter is becoming a much more reasonable interpretation of their intentions. Leave it up to the Democrats to try and profit off the ignorance of the ill-informed.

It’s difficult to gauge why this issue is gaining resonance again within the Democrat base, especially considering that it currently is and always will be a losing proposition whenever they try and rehash the old “Bush Lied!” mantra. Many prominent Democratic leaders within the Senate, such as Minority Leader Harry Reid and Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee Jay Rockefeller have once again tried to label the Iraqi intervention as the primary responsibility of the Bush Administration. Never mind that both of those individuals were afforded the same intelligence reports that the White House utilized, nor that Harry Reid voted for the removal of Saddam Hussein back in 1998 under the Clinton Administration. No surprise that both voted for the current involvement, too. Correspondingly, people like Jay Rockefeller, who spoke so eloquently back in October of 2002 when he said, “I do believe, that Iraq poses and imminent threat, but I also believe that after September 11 that question is increasingly outdated.”

This man is regarded as an expert on intelligence and is someone who Democrats often refer to when considering important policy decisions. Moreover, Sen. Rockefeller went the extra step and boldly stated that Saddam Hussein’s Iraq posed an “imminent threat” to the United States. Similar sentiments have been echoed by other prominent Democratic leaders such as Sens. Hillary Clinton, Dick Durbin and Teddy Kennedy.

Politics on the federal level has been conflated to quick sound bites and beguiling accusations. The loser is often the one who is slow to react to the latest lofty allegation no matter how baseless and unsubstantiated it is. It is often said that the one who stays silent in politics often implicitly admits that the accuser is correct. The Democrats are banking on silence, hoping that the White House continues to allow these senators to effectively get away with misleading the public while, likewise, allowing them to act as the bastions of integrity in a corrupt governmental institution.

The Democrats, having the same intelligence, arguments, history of Iraqi hostility and aggression towards the United States and often voting for intervention in the past, are now trying to play the role of the innocent victim bamboozled by a suave administration hell bent on death and destruction. They didn’t fool the public in 2004, and they still won’t succeed in 2006.


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