Archive of Political Commentary Articles

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Thawrted Terror Plot Reminds Us That Our Enemy Has Enduring Resolve

One of the biggest obstacles in the war on terrorism is complacency and apathy. Unfortunately, we consistently need to be reminded of the impending dangers that these islamofascists promulgate on a daily basis.

As their methods of murder and destruction evolve into more subtle forms, like using chemcials concealed in inconspicuous containers to be mixed in an airplane bathroom then detonated in mid-air, we too must think as creatively and, unfortunately, as diabolically, as these destroyers of innocents and lovers of misery. There is absolutely no justification for their actions, and anyone trying to absolve their motives as the result of their environment has a horrible and misguided understanding of human nature. Deterministic frameworks lead to otherwise inquisitive individuals to blame the decent, upstanding society instead of taking on the nations who actually perpetuate the violence in the first place.

The 'blame America first' mantra is so simple that people who undertake its principles are morally repugnant and intellectually lazy. It's easy to blame a decent nation, when one knows that no retalitory measures will be taken against the critic. Standing firm against nations who foster violence, breed hatred, and blame western institutions and frameworks for their misery is much more difficult to do because the possibility for retribution always lingers. The regimes in those nations do not care about personal autonomy, the rights of the individual, or a sense of natural law principles and the inherent worth of every innocent and upstanding individual. A person who lacks clarity in their moral convictions is dangerous, especially if they are in a position of power to shape policy and guide international affairs.

Collectively, westernized nations must make sure to remain vigilant. We cannot fall into complacency, and must heed every warning and gather as much useful intelligence as possible. Radical Muslims cannot be reasoned with, and it is absolute folly to think in any other terms. That might sound pretty stark and uncompromising, but this battle is a battle of values, of existence, and of our way of life. The greatest fallacy is to believe that an isolationist policy will all of a sudden stop the hatred, especially considering that it is our institutions that the terrorists hate. Our very existence spurs them into strapping themselves full of explosives and blowing up a day care center, or mixing chemicals in an airplane and taking down innocent travelers who want to visit family, go on vacation, or attend to business. They want to disrupt our very way of life. That is what terrorism is -- deliberate warfare declared on civilians in order to influence their lifestyle and alter their politicial and economic institutions.

We can take Israel as a case study into this phenomenon. Every time a Muslim leader makes a concession to Israel, like Sadat did when Israel relinquished the oil-rich Sinai Pennisula back in the 1970s, they end up assasinated. Sadat, the former 'President' of Egypt, was struck down by a radical Muslim's bullet because he addressed the Israeli Parliment and gave formal recognition to Israel's right to exist back in the early 1980s. Even when Israel offered to give up the entire West Bank and 3% of their heavy populated Palestinian regions, including Eastern Jerusalem, in the late 1990s, that was still not enough; stirring up more violence and death. Palestinans and other Middle East nations do not want peace accords, they want to destroy Israel simply because it exists.

Just remember to stand vigilant, clear the clouds of moral confusion, and remember that this fight is a fight for our institutions and culture. The terrorists will not be satisfied until we are destroyed.